Working Hours: Mon & Fri: 9:30 – Noon
Wednesdays 9:30 – 3:00
Closed: May 27th , 2024 Memorial Day

Working Hours: Mon & Fri: 9:30 – Noon
Wednesdays 9:30 – 3:00
Closed: September 2nd Labor Day 

Back To School Food Drive!

Warminster Food Bank, Klinger Middle School & Centennial School District
Team Up for a record-breaking collection to help neighbors in need

(Bucks County, PA)— Warminster Food Bank teamed up with Klinger Middle School and Centennial School District for a Stuff the School Bus food drive today from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon at the Giant Supermarket, 720 W. Street Road, Warminster, PA.

Area residents and Klinger and Centennial School District families and staff were invited to participate and donate nonperishable food and grocery items. Donations of cash or Giant gift cards were also be accepted. A record-breaking 2465 pounds of groceries were collected, along with $821 in cash and Giant gift cards. Items collected will be provided to people experiencing food insecurity in Bucks and Montgomery Counties.

Centennial School District provided two school buses for the event and volunteers from Klinger Middle School, including their mascot Clipper, were on hand to work with Giant employees, Food Bank volunteers and Giant customers and staff to fill the vehicle with groceries. Warminster Food Bank serves over 800 individuals/200 families each month and more than 7500 individuals/1800 families each year in the communities it serves. In addition, high school volunteers from the Doylestown chapter of People for Urban and Rural Education (PURE), were on hand at the Warminster Food Bank to help weigh and sort the donated items.

“We are extremely grateful to Klinger Middle School, Centennial School District and Giant of Warminster for their tremendous support of this event,” said Mike Cerino, director, Warminster Food Bank. “During the summer months our donations go down, so partnerships like this one are particularly meaningful. Klinger and Centennial students and their families should be very proud of the impact this event will have on families that rely on the support of Warminster food Bank.”

“At our school, we often talk about service to the community,” said Martin Hayes, principal, Klinger Middle School. “Our students and their families take great pride in giving back to their community. The Stuff the Bus food drive is what service to the community is all about and it is an honor to work with the Warminster Food Bank in support of our neighbors in need.”

About the Warminster Food Bank
The Warminster Food Bank is a 501c3 organization that provides food to people in need in the Bucks and Montgomery Counties. The Warminster Food Bank serves more than 800 individuals/200 families per month and more than 7500 individuals/1800 families per year with food donated by individuals and businesses. Donations and volunteers are always welcome. To learn more, go to

Photos and captions courtesy of Warminster Food Bank:
Image – Clipper:
Warminster Food Bank teamed up with Klinger Middle School and Centennial School District for a Stuff the School Bus food collection event on Sunday, August 28 at the Giant Supermarket in Warminster, PA. A one-day, record-breaking total of more than 2465 pounds of groceries were collected along with $821 in cash and Giant gift cards. Items collected will be provided to people experiencing food insecurity in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Pictured are Klinger Middle School Principal Martin Hayes (left) with the school’s mascot Clipper, preparing to load donated groceries onto a school bus donated by Centennial School District for the event.

Back To School

Image-PURE volunteers:
High school volunteers from the Doylestown chapter of People for Urban and Rural Education (PURE), were on hand at the Warminster Food Bank to help weigh and sort items collected at the Stuff the Bus food drive held on Sunday, August 28 at the Warminster Giant Supermarket. The Food Bank teamed up with Klinger Middle School and Centennial School and collected more than 2465 pounds of non-perishable grocery items and $821 in cash and Giant gift cards. Items collected will be provided to people in Bucks and Montgomery Counties who are experiencing food insecurity. Pictured (left) with PURE volunteers is Mike Cerino, director, Warminster Food Bank.

Back To School

Image – Grocery Cart:
Pat McKay, Assistant Director, Warminster Food Bank, wheels a cart of donated grocery items to be loaded onto a Centennial School District school bus for transportation to Warminster Food Bank for weighing and sorting. Groceries were donated by Giant shoppers, Klinger Middle School and Centennial School District families and staff at the Food Bank’s Stuff the Bus collection event held on Sunday, August 28 at Giant Supermarket in Warminster. Following McKay are Martin Hayes, Principal, Klinger Middle School and Clipper, the school mascot.

Back To School


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